
PG Costs are rising, reduce the risk by doing it right.

Increasingly we are seeing a greater focus from the Employment Relations Authority on the need for employers to ensure that a thorough investigation is undertaken into a complaint or concerns held by the employee prior to the matter being elevated to a formal disciplinary process. This is primarily the case where the potential disciplinary process …

PG Costs are rising, reduce the risk by doing it right. Read More »


Minimising the spread of coronavirus is important in keeping employees safe and well at work. This should be done before thinking about the interests of the business or organisation. The Ministry of Health has information available on workplace infectious disease prevention and controls. However, in the case of an emergency, employers and employees should remember to keep …



Today we address concerns for Employers regarding paying Self Isolating Employees and payroll payments for upcoming Public Holidays. Our aim is to support Employers with practical legally compliant solutions through this critical period of COVID-19 lockdown with practical, up to date information and as we navigate into an uncertain business future. Read on to find …


Unfair Redundancy process carried out by employer despite genuine reason

Our redundancy specialists, breaking down the redundancy process in NZ. Employment Relations Authority: Unfair redundancy process carried out by employer despite genuine reason Mr Hawkins was employed by MRL Power Solutions Limited (MRL Power) as a mechanical technician, from 8 December 2018 until 15 September 2020, when he was made redundant. Mr Hawkins claimed he …

Unfair Redundancy process carried out by employer despite genuine reason Read More »

Beware of the Personal Grievance Recidivist Employee

A recent media article highlighted the actions of an individual in Otago who had raised Personal Grievances against at least seven local businesses within a short period of time. He had successfully been paid at least $10,000 in compensation payments over a period of approximately two weeks. The Employee claimed to be an experienced chef. …

Beware of the Personal Grievance Recidivist Employee Read More »

Is the end in sight?

Last week the Government announced the ending of some Covid-19 related regulations, with this announcement now raising further questions for Employers. Are we legally entitled to maintain any Covid-19 Protection Policy requirements if we want to? Can I still have a policy whereby I will only recruit fully vaccinated workers? Do I have to re-employee …

Is the end in sight? Read More »

Russel Drakes Explains…

Russell Drake explains SUPPORT AND REPRESENTATION As a break from the ongoing Covid related information that has been the focus of our recent newsletters we wish to draw your attention to the procedural requirements associated with advising staff of their rights to obtain support and representation in all aspects of their employment relationship.  The question …

Russel Drakes Explains… Read More »

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